Apr 2, 2014

A Drive To Gingee In The Rain

It's been sooooo long since I posted anything on either of my blogs. When the new year began, I honestly meant to post regularly, but between sheer laziness and other projects that took up my time, I never got around to it.

In February, I went to a gorgeous fort called Gingee about a hundred miles from Chennai. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you might have seen some pictures from my phone. The day before we went, Ashwin, who's been there many times, kept warning me that it would be really really hot. He was wary because heat makes me crankier than usual. But when we woke up in the morning, it was drizzling! And then it rained all the way to Gingee and back, right through the day! Such good luck!

I thoroughly enjoyed the drive, and we stopped every now and then to take photos - some through the windshield too. So how about I make this post about the drive and the next one about the beautiful fort?
Now that we are well and truly into summer (my least favourite time of the year), 
even looking at these pictures is making me all wistful :(
This was how the hills of the fort looked when we got there. Almost like a hill station!
My first owl spotting on the way back. An adorable Spotted Owlet.
I've only been to Gingee once, but I'm telling you - visit it when it rains. You'll have a brilliant day. 
Stay tuned for pictures of the fort :)


  1. Fab pictures madhu. As usual :)
    Your posts always make me wish I hadnt abandoned photography and shut down my photoblog..

    1. Thank you so much! Pick up that camera again!

  2. chennai in the rains is something else only... great roads (outside the city)! the owlet is super cute!

    1. Yeah, the rains are pretty awesome. I loved the owlet too - so tiny :)

  3. Each post from you across platforms only makes my will want to run to this beautiful place NOW! So beautiful. Guess the rain added with your skillful apt urges makes it irresistible. Waiting to read the next few posts. :)

    1. Thank you so much! You are too kind! :)

  4. I must tell you that I love your pictures and your way of writing. On a dull day, you will find me trawling through your blogs, checking out your old posts, and smiling or gazing wistfully at them. :) Thank you for brightening many a day for me.

    It is so good to see a post from you after so long. Looking forward to read the post about the fort.

    I find going out for a drive in the rains lovely, always. It might a nightmare for the driver, though, on treacherous roads. Or in treacherous traffic.

    1. Hello thegalnxtdoor! Thank you very much! I'm so glad you like my blog :) I love your blog too - added it to my reader immediately :) You're so right about the rain and the traffic - my husband drove - he enjoys driving long distances even in the rain, but he did have a tough time in some stretches.

  5. These rain drenched pictures are too good, Madhu!

  6. Chanced upon your blog while searching the web for images of Gingee. I should say absolutely breathtaking photo stories, yet short and simple for an easy read. Being a monsoon lover, I relished these shots in particular. Planning for Gingee sometime soon, thanks a lot for the insights. Before I forget, loved the Mahakuta pictures too, thanks for bringing to light, another temple in the wilderness, added that to my list too. :)


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