Mar 11, 2013

In the morning...

I drink the tea Ashwin makes me, and stumble onto the terrace like a zombie. If I am up early enough, I sweep a part of the floor.  Even a zombie can see that garden waste is SO pretty.  And that bougainvilleas create litter :| I put most of the waste back into the pots because it is awesomely nutritious. 
Garden Waste
Bougainvillea = Lots of sweeping to do.
I use the gaps when I'm waiting for water to fill in the bucket  to go around and see what the plants are up to. (Old-fashioned bucket+mug roxxx - almost no wastage and you can pour the water right onto the roots) Sometimes, there is a bit of pruning to do. Pay no attention to my pruning technique - I don't have one.
I bet I am holding it all wrong
I am very pleased to see that the rose bush whose leaves had been gobbled up by caterpillars is now sprouting new leaves. Poor Ashwin had to take them caterpillars off one by one. Gross. When we wish for butterflies to visit our flowers, we forget that caterpillars are gross.
Rose Bush
Rose bush recovering from a caterpillar attack
I see the sun-loving plants doing well - as if to announce that summer is HERE.
Orange Portulacas
Orange Portulacas
Telosma Cordata or Sampangee
Telosma Cordata or Sampangee. I wish you could smell them from the picture! SO divine.
This is the awesomest thing that's happening right now - I had tossed some over-ripe Strawberries into a pot a few months ago just to see if they'll germinate, and forgotten about them. While sifting through the weeds in the pot last week, I found out that I HAZ STRAWBERRY PLANT!
Strawberry Plant
Strawberry plant yay!
After googling all sorts of descriptions, I found that the weed obscuring the strawberry is called Roundleaf Bindweed. It is of medicinal value, and its tiny white flowers are very pretty. But I'll have to pull it out to save the strawberry plant. Luckily, it has spread to another pot too, so I can still have it.
Roundleaf Bindweed
"Roundleaf Bindweed"
A plant with a funky name (mother-in-law's tongue ) tells me not-so-subtly that it needs a bigger pot
Mother-in-law's Tongue
Mother-in-law's Tongue with its pot split open.
This pretty plant with purple leaves and small purple flowers is called Purple Heart. It's resumed blooming now after a break.
Purple Heart
Purple Heart
A weed I decided to keep many many months ago, has climbed up an ugly drainpipe and is now producing pretty little yellow flowers. They are too high up for me to reach with the lens I have on, so I decide to take better pictures later (left) It's getting uncomfortably hot now, so I stop lingering and get on with the watering.
Unknown creeper on the left. On the right, well, water.
I spot quite a few thirsty crows waiting for me to get the hell out of the terrace.
So I fill the bird bath and go inside.
Bird Bath
In case you were wondering, the whole routine usually takes me just about 20 minutes - such a small investment for so much fun :)

{Sorry for the very long, self-indulgent post! 
This will be the last plant-related post for a while, I promise!}


  1. Please dont let it be the last. For someone as incapable of reading plants, I live vicariously through your plant posts. I loved this one :) And do let me know what became of the strawberry plant, sooo curious!

    1. Aww thank you so much - so glad you liked the post! I am very curious about the strawberry too - I just hope it gets through summer! I will definitely tell you how it goes :)

  2. You cant! Infact post such plant-y photos every day! When I will be having my home ( Means living at home and not in a hostel, I am going to benchmark yours! Okay? :)

  3. Ohhhh you sure made some magic right there! I love the purple hearts! Living in an apt that does not have a place to keep even potted plants has me trying to grow indoor plants - with little success - and please dont let this be your last - keep it coming...
    Psssttt i hope you sing to your plants too!

    1. Thank you so much babe! We live on the top floor of a building full of senior citizens - they are all really kind, they are letting us keep our plants on the common terrace because they hardly ever come upstairs - so grateful to them! The singing bit - I have a secret wish to try it, but I'm too shy! I do talk to them though :)

  4. I love your picture blogs about your garden... it reminds me of when I was a child, i had the time to notice the tiny things... the uniqueness in each petal, the different shades of green of the leaves, why each plant was different, the texture of a clay pot, digging my fingers in the soil... i dont know why, but i did that; the morning air, something was different about it, being barefoot or those bata chappals that we wore around the outside of the house! the adventures of gardening, tending to each plant as they were my students in a classroom, or patients in my care... striving each day to keep them alive in the madras heat! You remind me of that joy and the time i once had. Wish i had the time to garden...

    1. You put that so well, Pree! Spending just a short while with the plants is the best way to start the day! I'm sure you can find time for a small garden - I call it "garden" but mine is essentially a bunch of pots on a terrace, no? :) It only takes time in the initial setting-up days - mine happened when a project at work was at its most hectic. But you can avoid that by buying just a few plants at a time. I went a little overboard and ended up with a lot of work :D

    2. Also wanted to add - I have trouble handling stress - and gardening has really helped with that - I think that's my biggest gain from the hobby.

  5. My mother is a botanist and considers a home incomplete without a garden. Reading through the names of the plants and seeing the pictures conjures up memories of the flourishing garden in my parents' home...I am not much of a green thumb myself though although would like try to my hand at it:)

    1. That is so cool Priyanka - glad the post conjured up memories of your mom's garden :) At my home, my dad is the gardener, and I grew up playing his assistant :)

  6. now your pruning photo reminds me that I have to prune my rose bushes but it still outside here. there can never be too many plants/gardens post :) i do wish i could smell those yellow beauty and what a way to start your morning :)

    1. Hahaha thanks Nayana :) Yeah, it's an awesome way to start the morning :)

  7. This is a beautiful post Madhu! Your post reminded me of this poem. and the glow of the morning sunshine takes me back to childhood.
    I have a bunch of pots in my balcony too and love watching them grow and tending to them; just got them back in shape last weekend - now that spring is here :) Hopefully they'll all be in bloom soon! I'm struggling to get the evening watering routine shifted to the morning though!


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