Nov 1, 2012

The morning after Cyclone Nilam

Cyclone Nilam
 I was happy to be in Chennai (I don't say this often :P) when Cyclone Nilam came - since I'm from landlocked Hyderabad, I haven't seen many cyclones in my life, and I really enjoyed the experience. I hope I'm not being insensitive - I know that cyclones are disastrous for so many people and I'm grateful that I was able to watch from the safety of my home. This morning, Ashwin and I went out to see the aftermath, and here are some pictures I took. 
Cyclone Nilam Aftermath
Down the street
Cyclone Nilam Aftermath
One of the streets we saw was fully strewn with fallen leaves, like a green carpet 
Cyclone Nilam Aftermath
Colors Colors Colors
We also went to the beach to try and catch a glimpse of the ship that ran aground. It was quite far away so I just took a picture from where I was, and cropped it heavily:
Cyclone Nilam
The poor ship in the distance :(
Cyclone Nilam
This little girl skipped into my frame as I was trying to shoot a suitcase that had been washed ashore


  1. The last one is classssy!!!!!!

  2. Last one is priceless. I love those last minute changes in a perfectly framed shot, especially when it makes such a difference :P

    1. I know, right? I was annoyed for a split second when she ran in, and then I thought wow this is cool! :D

    2. Last one is...................
      No words............

  3. wow wow wow... i miss chennai

    1. lol Pree - isn't it weird that you miss chennai so much, and i'm here in chennai, missing hyderabad all the time :)


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