Jan 21, 2008


We went on a family trip to Srisailam over the Pongal break, and had the loveliest time! I want to blog about it, but I've been unable to find enough time to do it. I will, this week. In the meanwhile, here are some pictures we took:


  1. Nice pics VG! I think, you are in the same league as your dad, as far as photography is concerned... Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you RD! Thats the best compliment Ive ever received!

  3. Kickass pics!.captures the beauty of the place.simple yet powerful, makes one prouud of our background and heritage..Keep it madhu,keep'em coming!

  4. Thank you abhi! Ive gotten very fond of photography lately, and it feels good to receive compliments.

  5. Oh, how wonderful of you to reply to my comments! Such etiquette, such decency, is so rare these days, among the lost young people of our age, no? (wiping the tears from my eyes)! ;)

  6. RD you're such a turkey!
    (i hope thats not some racist gaali)

  7. I heard it as "taa ki..."! Grrrr.... That's racist!

  8. the last photo is one of the best that i have seen from you. the lighting is really good. no blown out parts, and the colors are vibrant.

    In the second photo though, the subject is dark. I think you wanted to capture the hut in the middle (pls correct me if wrong) but the trees stand compete for attention. Further, they haven't been captured in entirety (camera limitations i guess) and hence do not tell a complete story. i understand there are a lot of limitations imposed by a point and shoot camera but surprisingly no blown out areas in this either.

    overall, i think you had a nice time. good snaps and thnx for sharing.


  9. Thank you athimber(Octotus). I always appreciate your opinions on photography!


I'd love to hear what you think!